Making each broom individually in my home allows me to create truly unique pieces through innovation and experimentation. Many of my original designs are inspired by nature, architecture, and play. This experimental approach has introduced new methods, techniques, and forms to the broom-making industry, integrally influencing and changing the landscape of Broom Craft. Whether created solely for utility, ritual, or decor, each broom begins with the same core principles at heart: sustainability, craftsmanship, discovery, and a little bit of Earth Magic.
Brooms have been considered magical tools for ages by nearly all spiritual practices. Full-size besoms are often used to clear entire rooms of stale or negative energies, while smaller whisks can be kept at one’s altar or meditation table for fanning cleansing smoke, clearing small circles, ushering spirits through portals, connecting with ancestors, and simply for sweeping up the dried herbs and ashes often used in ritual and prayer.